Sunday, December 10, 2006

The NOOBS guide to using the PSP!

The NOOBS guide to using the PSP!


1. Running Movies
2. Viewing Pictures
3. Playing Music
4. Running General Homebrew

The Guide:

1. Running Movies

To run movie on a PSP, the same method is employed by most of the firmwares. Refer to the guide below on detailed steps.

- Download your desired movie.
- The movie may in compressed in RAR or ZIP format so use the following tools for extractin stuff
corresponding format..

WinRAR -
WinZIP -

- After extracting the movie to a location convenient for you, connect your PSP through the USB Type B cord
to your computer.
- You will be presented with a few folders on your PSP memory stick, namely PSP and MP_ROOT.
You will need to put the movie in the MP_ROOT/100MNV01 folder of the
PSP if the name is M4Vxxxxx.MP4 and put it in the MP_ROOT/100ANV01
folder is the name is like MAQxxxxx.MP4 .

After these steps, you can browse to the video tab on your PSP and watch the movie.

Important Info regarding movies:
- Always see the movies follow the following naming convention - M4Vxxxxx.MP4 or MAQxxxxx.MP4
The naming is case sensitive and the "x" have to be replaced by random numbers if the name is not
already in that format.
- If you are sure that the name and format is correct and the movie still does'nt work on the PSP then the
movie will most probably be have to be re-encoded using PSPvideo9 -

2. Viewing Pictures

should not be a problem with many of the uses here but for some reason,
some people still dont know where to put the pictures on their PSP.

- Connect your PSP vi USB Type B cord to your computer.
- Navigate to PSP/PHOTO folder.
- You can make a new folder with any name you want in this folder and put all your pictures in that folder.
Although its not necessary to make a folder and you can directly put in all the files in PSP/PHOTO.

Important Info regarding pictures:
-While making a folder, its important that you dont make a folder inside the folder you made in PSP/PHOTO
cause PSP cant recognise that folder so for that purpose please follow the following path.
PSP/PHOTO/your folder/your pictures

3. Playing Music

- Connect your PSP via USB Type B cord to your computer.
- Navigate to PSP/MUSIC folder.
- You can make a new folder with any name you want in this folder and put all your pictures in that folder.
Although its not necessary to make a folder and you can directly put in all the files in PSP/MUSIC.

Important Info regarding music:
-While making a folder, its important that you dont make a folder inside the folder you made in PSP/MUSIC
cause PSP cant recognise that folder so for that purpose please follow the following path.
PSP/MUSIC/your folder/your music

4. Running General Homebrew

are a lot of different methods to run homebrew and it differs with lots
of firmwares. People are bound to have confusion reagarding homebrew.

Check your PSP Firmware Version:
- Go to Settings on your PSP (the left most tab)
- Then enter System Settings
- Navigate to System Information and check the numbe written against firmware version and follow the
corresponding guide below for that particualar firmware.

For Firmware 1.50:

- Refer to this guide. -

For Firmware 1.52:

- Upgrade to 2.0 and then downgrade to 1.50. -

For Firmware 2.0:

- Downgrade to 1.50 -

From firmware 2.0 and above you are introduced to a term called "TA-082" which if your PSP is then you cant downgrade.

To check if your PSP is TA-082 or Not see this pic. -

For Non-TA-082 PSP's

For Firmware 2.01+:

- Upgrade to 2.5/2.60 and downgrade to 1.50 -


- Upgrade to 2.71 and downgrade to 1.50 -

For TA-082 PSP's

For Firmware 2.01+:

- Upgrade to 2.71 -

NOTE: TA-082 PSP's CANNOT BE DOWNGRADED! So if you try to do this then it WILL result in a Bricked PSP!

Well, thats the guide for all you guys to see and enjoy!

Thx to:
- Sony for giving us the PSP.
- Parents for buying it for us.
- All homebrew developers to help us run homebrew.


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